Skopelos Island is great for tourism and providing goods and services to tourists is a good commercial proposition. As in all business, you have to find the right location for you Commercial property needs on Skopelos.
Skopelos Realty provides you with all the information on such properties and will happily provide you with the designers and contractors to help you renovate the property to your specifications.
Skopelos Island is great for tourism and providing goods and services to tourists is a good commercial proposition. As in all business, you have to find the right location for you Commercial property needs on Skopelos.
Skopelos Realty provides you with all the information on such properties and will happily provide you with the designers and contractors to help you renovate the property to your specifications.
As a rule, almost any kind of business that caters to both local and tourist needs is likely to do well throughout the year as opposed to seasonal businesses. Naturally, the advantage of seasonal businesses is that they spend the rest of the year either on the mainland or enjoying a well-deserved rest.
Should the business be one that provides rental rooms to tourists you will have to carefully consider local laws, regulations and taxes.
Finally, if you wish to make your life on the island, Skopelos Realty will also help you find, rent, buy, renovate or build your home on the island.
Some people choose to live on the island for the tourist season and then move back to mainland towns and cities or even abroad for the rest of the year. Such an arrangement can also provide rental income from your home which Skopelos Realty would be happy to keep an eye on in whatever capacity you wish.
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